Primary Research Publications
Hartmann J, Wong M, Gallo E, Gilmour D. An Image-Based Data-Driven Analysis of Cellular Architecture in a Developing Tissue. Elife 9, e55913 (2020).
Wong M†, Newton LR, Hartmann J, Hennrich ML, Wachsmuth M, Ronchi P, Guzmán-Herrera A, Schwab Y, Gavin A-C, Gilmour D†. Dynamic buffering of extracellular chemokine by a dedicated scavenger pathway enables robust adaptation during directed tissue migration. Developmental cell, 52, 492-508.e10 (2020).
Wong M*, Gillingham AK*, Munro S. The golgin coiled-coil proteins capture different types of transport carriers via distinct N-terminal motifs. BMC Biology, 15, 3 (2017).
Wong M, Munro S. Membrane Trafficking. The specificity of vesicle traffic to the Golgi is encoded in the golgin coiled-coil proteins. Science, 346, 1256898 (2014).
Wong M†, Gilmour D†. Going your own way: Self-guidance mechanisms in cell migration. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 72, 116-123 (2021).
Wong M†, Gilmour D†. Getting back on track: exploiting canalization to uncover the mechanisms of developmental robustness. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 63, 53-60 (2020).